Artist in Residence

Cheryl Gorski

Come visit her work at ROOM @ The Monocle during the months of March and April.

Artist Questionnaire

1. What is the biggest inspiration for your pieces over time or for you current work?

My biggest inspiration for my pieces is to create iconic images that are timeless.

2. What is your technique for creating?

I like to create emotion in my work which I tend to do currently by creating Black & White images.

3. What is your favorite & least favorite part about professional art?

My favorite part of professional art is viewing my work on a large scale. My least favorite part is the cost, and storing the art when not being shown.

4. What is your go to work/creative playlist?

Spotify CherylGorski My playlist #9 for openings.

5. Who/what are some of your key artistic influences?

Melvin Sokolsky, Patrick Demarchelier, Louise Dahl-Wolfe, Robert Doisneau, David Lachapelle, Richard Avedon, Ellen Von Unwerth, Dennis Hopper, and Jason Decaries Taylor. 

6. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?

Sound Healer

7. If you ruled the world, what would your first order of business be?

If I ruled the world, I'd try to stop wasting water and food sources.

8. What is your dream project?

My dream project: Has begun, it's to create a love movement fueled by youth, photography and fashion. I had a tragic frenemy's boyfriend erase my images off my fashion site. I was so devastated, I walked out of the riser at fashion week and began to ask front row guests to show me their drama. The next year I asked guests to peace out. Then in 2018 walking alongside Spring Studios with my Jr Team, we saw this man's floor length top coat, that had a sinister image on the back. I said I have to meet him. We walked up, chatted, smoked a ciggie, and he asked if we were coming inside. We walked past all the lil nasty girls with clipboards, and entered Alber Elbaz's Lanvin party. The set design was over-the-top with his face on everything. During the event a guest came up and did the bullseye over their eye. That's when the new concept morphed for that coming season occurred. I never stopped sliding that bullseye into my fashion documentary during backstage, front row and afterparties. 

Feb 2020 the last fashion week before the pandemic shutdown, I bought the domains NOHATEOK, NOHATEOKAY, NOH8OK, and NOHATEOK.WORLD.

GoDaddy called me immediately after the purchase.

I'd love to get the trademark for it not only in the USA, but in CHINA, KOREA, and JAPAN. I had two friends that had their names hi-jacked for crazy ransom money. OK means Yes, Ok is always COOL. Youth are the future to stop the hate in the world. My project would be to work with designers to create fashion capsules with a limited range of items, that will go up in value, and be sustainable. I have 8yrs of all fun photos of the bullseye to market on social media.

Love should conquer Hate.